My Favorite Things
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

I'm nearly finished with yet another rewatch of FMA:B, which I consider to be the greatest anime of all time.

Each time I watch it, I agree with that more. It's expertly organized, the characters are so fully realized, and the world feels expansive--like a living, breathing thing.

My initial experience with FMA was the 2003 series, actually. I loved it, but the ending obviously fell a bit flat. I still often recommend people watch the first five episodes before getting into Brotherhood if they prefer character-focus from the beginning. I think the first episode of Brotherhood is a perfect first episode on rewatches, but I think it might struggle to bring in NEW fans on a first watch. I remember a time when I recommended watching up to episode 25, but I think 2003 moves so slowly that doing so might turn some people off. It's nice to have more time with a few characters, though.

This article will expand as I have the time to update it with more detailed thoughts. Come back soon, and remember to watch out for spoilers! I recommend going into this series completely blind, but I don't think being spoiled will ruin your experience, either. Read at your own risk.


Petscop is what I would consider my favorite webseries/ARG. I know it's not technically an ARG depending on how much interactivity you think those need to have, but I think Petscop is the ideal experience for me.

This article will expand as I have the time to update it with more detailed thoughts. Come back soon, and remember to watch out for spoilers! I recommend going into this series completely blind. Read at your own risk.

The Beginner's Guide

Davey Wreden makes the most beautiful game ever then drops off the face of the planet. Then he makes the Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe and drops off the face of the planet again. When will Davey Wreden return from the war with another work of art that melts my face off.

This article will expand as I have the time to update it with more detailed thoughts. Come back soon, and remember to watch out for spoilers! I recommend going into this series completely blind. DO NOT READ PAST THIS POINT. JUST GO PLAY THE GAME. IT'S SHORT. What the fuck, dude. You can probably play it within the time limit to get a refund from Steam. It's worth the ten bucks, though. Watch a commentary-less playthrough if you really don't wanna spend the money on it, I guess.